Rowing articles with coaching insights, great workout programs and more from asensei, our coaches and contributors.
Coaching Gold: What's better, a smooth force curve or higher peak power?
Olympic Champion and Coach Eric Murray explains how he likes to think about the indoor rowing force curve in response to a comment from asensei user Troy during the post-workout debrief of the PHYSICS! livestream. Eric has previously told us that... more »
Rowing Golf - can you beat Par?!
Rowing golf is a fun workout concept based loosely around the scoring system of golf. It can be adapted for a wide range of rowing abilities and is also a great way to challenge your friends to a challenging workout! Read on to find out what it... more »
WaterRower Maintenance: 5 ways you can keep your WaterRower in great shape
Beautifully designed to be showcased and integrated into any environment, the WaterRower indoor rowing machines are renowned for their blend of quality, aesthetics, luxury, and experience. Like any high-quality piece of equipment, WaterRower maintenance is... more »
asensei + Quadrupling app engagement through a frictionless, personalized music experience.
Case Study: How connected fitness platform asensei leveraged’s integration to 4x session length and create an end-to-end personalized fitness experience. This case study originally featured on the website and is reproduced... more »
Rowing Machine Technique for Beginners - Our 3-Step Guide
Welcome to our guide to indoor rowing technique for beginners. Whether you've never tried indoor rowing before or you're looking to improve and start building speed through proper rowing machine form, this article is for you. We will lay out how to learn... more »
Finding Flow and Getting in The Zone - (RE)COMMIT #5
Finding 'Flow' whilst both training and competing is one of the biggest and most important challenges an athlete can face. Whether you’re an Olympian like Eric Murray or a novice training towards your first 2000m race, it’s important to... more »
Baselines & Benchmarks - (RE)COMMIT #4
To get where you want to go, you need to know where you began - that's your baseline. Benchmarks are a great way to understand where your performance lies at a particular time and when used in a wider context can help you understand what is... more »
Slow Down to Speed Up! Training at low rates - (RE)COMMIT #3
It’s often thought that the only way to get fast is to train fast, that only anaerobic training builds speed. Eric Murray debunks this in his latest in our video series with the Olympic and World Champion rower and he talks through the importance... more »
Good Form is Free Speed - (RE)COMMIT #2
Good form is the key for becoming a faster indoor rower with less effort. One of the primary benefits of the asensei rowing app is how easy it makes learning proper rowing technique, something a lot of recreational/gym rowers miss out on.... more »
Indoor Rowing Glossary - key terms, phrases and acronyms
Indoor rowing is a pretty simple sport, but sometimes you'll come across some specific indoor rowing terminology, abbreviations or nicknames that can be a bit confusing or are are just new to you. So whether you are starting out and a bit... more »