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Standard Premium

Hours of Operation

12 hours x 5 days per week

12 hours x 5 days per week

Length of Service

Length of SDK License Agreement

Length of SDK License Agreement

Product Updates

Yes, outlined in SDK License Agreement

Yes, outlined in SDK License Agreement

Products Supported

Support Outreach

Standard Support: Email

Escalated Support: asensei provides support through Web, Customer Success Rep or asensei developer

Standard Support: Email

Escalated Support: asensei provides support through Web, Customer Success Rep or asensei developer

Response Method

Standard Support: Email

Escalated Support: Email/Call Scheduled

Standard Support: Email

Escalated Support: Email/Call Scheduled

Remote Support



On-site Support

For contracted services projects

For contracted services projects

Max support hours initial integration

6 hours per month

20 hours per month

Support Monthly Aggregate Time

4 hours per month

10 hours per month

Target Response Times

Standard: 1 Business Days (24 Business Hours); Email

Escalated: 2 Business Day (48 Business Hours); Email/Call Scheduled Appointment

Standard: 1 Business Days (24 Business Hours); Email

Escalated: 2 Business Day (48 Business Hours); Email/Call Scheduled Appointment

Business Days

Monday – Friday
Excluding Holidays in support staff location of work

Monday – Friday
Excluding Holidays in support staff location of work



1) Licensor shall offer additional support up to an aggregate of their support tier total hours per month to Licensee for the period of 3 months from the execution of the service agreements. After the initial 3-month period, Licensor will offer free support with an aggregate hours per month in line with their support tier total to Licensee’s employees regarding the use of the Development Software and its integration. All support requests should be issues by senior developers that are familiar with the Licensor Software Development Kit. For support inquiries addressable by e-mail, no restriction exists for the number of enquiries per month. Support by web or phone takes place during the standard business hours of 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m PST. Both Parties shall work towards lowering the support effort needed for the Software Development Kit through enablement of the Licensee’s employees and maintaining process documentation.


(2) Fault reports shall be made by Licensee to Licensor without delay to A fault is an event that impairs the provision or usability of the application. Licensee shall report faults in such a form that enables Licensor to perform troubleshooting, for example by describing symptoms in detail with steps to recreate the bug, and access to the code where possible. Licensee will provide hardware where applicable and report the system and hardware environment (operating system and version, hardware model) of the affected user. Event reports will not contain personally identifiable information of any end user.


(3) Licensor will inform Licensee without delay about the possible implications of the fault and specify the prospectively required restoration time. Licensor will provide technical support to Licensee for the SDK product updates and upgrades, such that the product will operate in conformity with the Documentation, in all material respects. Asensei will provide support for reported problems within a commercially reasonable period of time and prioritize the urgency and nature of the reported problem.


(4) Support for SDK includes:

  • UX/UI advising
  • SDK documentation consulting
  • Performance tuning advising
  • Code snippet review
  • Bug report advising
  • Connected coaching consulting

(5) Not provided with SDK License Agreement

  • UX/UI Sample Designs (Premium Tier Provided Discount)
  • Connected coaching experience design (Premium Tier Provided Discount)
  • Product UX & Recruitment & Consumer Insights Testing (Premium Tier Provided Discount)
  • End-to-end debugging of customer code or hardware configurations (Premium Tier Provided Discount)
  • Hardware Testing and Selection Consulting (Premium Tier Provided Discount)

(6) Not provided with SDK License Agreement

  • Development of customer code
  • Third party products used in customer development